Friday, June 23, 2017

Day 162: John Lennon Wall

As soon as I woke up and was ready for the day, I went out with my Vancouver friend in search of John Lennon Wall. Although it was a 3.5 kilometer walk, the downhill grade on the way into old town made things easier.

The wall itself is mildly amusing at best, and seemed mostly to be a prime location to take photos later to be posted on social media.

John Lennon Wall

From JLW we walked through a park and stopped at a cafe for a cider. We were getting hungry, but didn't want to pay exorbitant (i.e. North American) food prices so we grabbed more drinks and snacks from a nearby mini mart before returning to the park I had previously visited on Saturday. 

More wild babies
The day was a scorcher, and we sat in the shade on a bench with a view. We found so much to talk about that it wasn't until the sun began to set seven or eight hours later that we crossed back over Charles Bridge and took the bus back uphill to the hostel. 

Okay, maybe Charles Bridge can be nice sometimes.

Me, posing naturally
At this point we were both starving (me more so than her, because she had a bag of nuts that she hadn't even opened the whole time we were there because she was "saving them for tomorrow"). We crossed the street from the hostel and had pasta and drinks before capping the night off with more Netflix. She left early the next morning for Krakow so we said our adieus before turning in for the night at 1am.

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