Saturday, June 3, 2017

Day 141: Sightseeing and Wine at Night

In the morning I went back to the university area thinking I would study at ELTE Egyetemi Könyvtár since I saw a few free WiFi signs when I was there yesterday.

Passing by the Great Synagogue on my way back to school
Unfortunately my computer was not able to see the WiFi hotspot, though my phone was, so I looked up a nearby cafe to work at instead. Madal Cafe was indeed a good place to sit with a laptop and a coffee, not least of all because you could use the WiFi for as long as you wanted.

The street view from outside Madal Cafe
Later that evening I went out with a group from the hostel to District V, home of the Parliament Building and various monuments. Outside the Parliament Building is a statue of Ronald Reagan, erected in 2011 to celebrate his role in helping end the Cold War.

I had already seen the Parliament Building a few times in passing from afar, but it's even more impressive up close.

We saw a few more monuments on our way back to the town center. At the town center, myself, a male Kiwi, and two other American girls decided to get a bottle of wine (each) from the adjacent supermarket and sit around the pool with our feet in the water.

Just your typical Tuesday in Budapest's city center
We were there drinking and talking until the moon rose.

Back at the hostel we were hanging out in the common room when two American girls showed up with a few more bottles of wine. One of them was having a birthday in a few minutes so we helped them finish off the remaining drinks. All in all a really fun night! Though I felt bad for anyone trying to sleep before 1am. 

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