Sunday, June 4, 2017

Day 142: Mazel Tov and All-Nighters

In the morning I went back to Madal Cafe to slam down another Americano and do some work on the laptop. After returning to the hostel and cooking lunch I took a rare nap -- I was that tired from last night's antics. After my nap, the two Kiwis who had been traveling together, Tash and Kade, invited me to come along with them to one of Budapest's snazzier restaurants, Mazel Tov. I wasn't terribly hungry, but I joined them anyways and had a glass of wine with their dinner.

Post-meal selfie
Back at the hostel we picked up two American ladies, Ana and Annabelle, and an easily forgettable Canadian man and walked all the way down to Liberty Bridge, before stopping to hang our feet over the dike.

On our way back to the hostel, we stopped at Szimpla again (though it was probably only me that had been there before).

A photo that does not do justice to the eclectic weirdness of Szimplas decorations
I had another beer, felt awkward an hour later being the only beerless person of our group, indulged in a second, and at two different times Annabelle bought us all a round of shots. Apparently there had been some drama that night at Szimpla when one of the American girls at our hostel, the one who had recently had a birthday, had a man spit his drink on her after she continued to reject his advances, so she turned around and socked him in the face. She hadn't been a part of our group that night, so we didn't hear about it until the morning after.

My sunburn makes me look way more inebriated than I actually was at that point!
From left to right: myself, Annabelle, Kade, Tash
We were all feeling pretty good about ourselves, so around 3:30 in the morning the two Kiwis, two Americans, and I -- I honestly don't remember if the forgettable Canadian was still with us -- left Szimpla and continued onward towards the hostel. 

Some of us were hungry so we stopped at a KFC that was still open near our hostel. We were still fairly buzzed and had a great time chowing down on our early morning snacks. When we left KFC around 4:20 we could see the sun beginning to breach the horizon. Back at the hostel, we said our adieus for the night and I collapsed onto my bed shortly after.

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