Friday, June 23, 2017

Day 161: Malarkey

Nothing particularly of interest happened today, either. Tash and Kade checked out in the morning to leave for Munich. This time it was actually goodbye, unless they serendipitously decide to head to Berlin after their time in Munich, although I think they are planning on going to Slovenia instead.

As a last huzzah I went with them to their favorite Prague restaurant, Eska Restaurace.

The food was delicious and, at a bit over 10 USD for a coffee and an omelette, was not too expensive by Prague standards (yeah, Prague is really effing expensive).

After the kiwis left I faced the prospect of either trying to find something of interest to do in town or relax at the hostel. Though Prague is filled with historic buildings and a myriad of museums and art galleries, I didn't particularly feel like visiting any of them on my own, and so I spent most of the day at the hostel. There was supposed to be a walking tour put on by the hostel at 2:30pm, but that never materialized. I had made a friend from Vancouver, British Columbia yesterday and we chatted some and watched Tarantino's Pulp Fiction with others from the hostel in the evening.

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