Saturday, March 25, 2017

Day 73: My Bed Was Reserved While I Was Sleeping On It

The Nunnery in Melbourne is unlike any other hostel I have stayed at to date in that 1. It used to be a nunnery, and 2. If you don't reserve a night sufficiently many days ahead you may end up getting kicked out of your own bed. This, as you might have guessed from the post title and foreshadowing of the previous sentence, is exactly what happened to me. I tried extending my stay two days before I was set to check out, only to find out that someone had already booked my bed for that night and all through the weekend. And so I arranged to book a more expensive 4-bed dorm for Wednesday and Thursday and (my new dorm already booked full over the weekend), an 8-bed dorm for Friday. I wanted to check out on Sunday, but the entire hostel was booked full for the Australian Grand Prix that weekend. So I bought a train ticket to Sydney rather than move to another hostel in Melbourne (which, as I've just learned, is pronounced "Mel-bun" by locals).

After the bizarre waiting game of checking out of my room at 10:00 and waiting until 1:00 to move into my new room (why don't I just take my sheets with me directly to my new room?), I went to make good on my IMAX movie voucher that I had bought jointly with my museum entry ticket yesterday. I saw _, a 40-minute, highly mediocre "film" about our search for life in space. Even by American cinema standards, this gimmicky 3-D NatGeo-esque episode was not worth the 14 AUD (10.5 USD) I paid to see it. 0 out of 5 Keplars.

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