Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Day 57: Snorkeling the Gilis

Despite still not feeling 100% healthy, I joined a group of others from La Boheme Lombok for a snorkeling tour around the Gili islands.

We first stopped at Gili Air, the smallest and easternmost island. There was a moderately interesting reef there and plenty of fish. Some of the more curious fish had been conditioned to coalesce around you if you put your hands up and rub your thumb with your fingers as if you were rubbing dollar bills together. (Because that's how the fish are sometimes fed, not because they are gold diggers).

Our next stop, Gili Meno, took the cake for best snorkeling. Right when we jumped in we were greeted with a giant school of fish, a myriad of bubble stacks from the depths below (originating from the regulators of scuba divers), and a massive sea turtle. Even with flippers on, we couldn't keep up with the turtle (aren't they supposed to be slow?), but there were a couple other smaller turtles in the area chowing on some biomass that we could dive down to watch.

We then stopped on Gili Trewangan -- the largest and most touristy of the Gilis -- at the La Boheme sister hostel for lunch before heading back to Lombok to snorkel in the bay near our hostel. For still having a sore throat and low energy that morning, I held up surprisingly well. That night a group of us at the hostel watched Bridesmaids in the hostel's upstairs "movie theater", i.e. a common area with bean bags and a projector strapped to the ceiling. It was a good day!

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