Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Days 106-107: Transiting in Bangkok

I had a few days in Bangkok before leaving for Bucharest. April is the hottest time of the year here, and temperatures reach over 100 degrees Fahrenheit during the day. Nighttime temperatures are around 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Despite being 6-8 degrees hotter on average than when I first visited in December, subjectively it felt about the same. Walking around outside wasn't unbearable by any means; even sleeping in the un-air-conditioned dorm room at night was pretty simple after a shower and a bottle full of cool water by the bedside. I think my body's metabolism may have adjusted to the warmer climates I've been visiting. 65 degrees Fahrenheit was too cold to take off my sweater in Japan, and I remember the heat being overbearing in Bangkok when I first flew to Asia.

On Day 106 I went out and bought new socks and shoes to replace all the socks I'd lost and the shoes I had bought last time I was here, which had begun to fall apart. On Day 107 I went back to my favorite haunt, Too Fast Too Sleep, to write the previous blog post, which I had been dreading to write thus far. That evening I went out with Aaron (hostel owner), Nitty (Aaron's wife), and Eduardo (only other guest at the hostel, from Chile) for dinner at Silom Complex. Afterward we went to Patpong Night Market to eyeball all the kitschy merchandise the vendors were hawking and to meet up with a prior hostel guest, a friend of Aaron and Nitty. Having friends to go out into the city with for food makes the whole experience so much more enjoyable!

1 comment:

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