Monday, April 24, 2017

Day 100: Just Another Day in Tokyo

I had thought for a while that I would do something special, remarkable, or otherwise expensive to celebrate my 100th consecutive day of traveling, but I think yesterday just couldn't be topped. I hadn't yet seen Tokyo's CBD -- where staggering, dull buildings are home to the biggest financial, insurance, and telecommunication companies in Japan -- and so I hopped on the Hibiya line and got off at the station nearest to Tokyo station.

My map told me the Tokyo Stock Exchange was close by, which sounded pretty cool, so I wandered in that direction before turning towards Tokyo station. Right next door to the Tokyo Stock Exchange building is a "Seattle's Best Coffee" chain. According to the Wikipedia article on Seattle's Best Coffee, SBC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Starbucks. Who knew?

The Stock Exchange was closed for the day by the time I got there, and metal gates sat closed behind the glass doors and windows. I still don't know what goes on inside physical stock exchange buildings.

After circumventing Tokyo Station and the hordes of suits, I ended up in a park which, as far as I can gather, has no (transliterated) name.

I'd brought my puzzle book with me, so I found a bench to sit and solve puzzles while I watched the sun set behind the skyscrapers of Tokyo.

Not a good photo, but you get the idea
A moat surrounds the park, which is located near the Imperial Palace
I was leaving Japan in just a few days and had yet to book my accommodation in Chengdu, so I hunted down a Starbucks to finish my business before heading back to the hostel.

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