Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Day 102: The University of Tokyo

My sleep schedule had been unusual lately. For the past few weeks I'd found myself nearly always staying up past midnight and often sleeping in until past noon the next day. The pros of being a night owl were that nighttime is one of the quietest and peaceful times to be awake in Tokyo (unless you're looking for a party or bar, of which there are countless options), it wasn't close to warm during the day until noon or so, and I'd soon be traversing backwards through time zones, so staying up late now would make the transition to Chengdu and Bucharest easier. The cons were that a lot of cultural tourist activities like museums closed at 5pm, usual meal times went out the window and seemed to confuse my appetite, and even with a more than sufficient amount of sleep, sleeping 3am-12pm left me feeling tired and languorous most of the day.

Today was no exception to this recently established rule, and by the time I left to see the University of Tokyo, Japan's most prestigious university, they sky was already darkening.

The campus is nice (aren't they always?), but not overly impressive. A few things stood out to me about the university. One was Sanshiro Pond, which is a green space in the middle of campus with a walking path through it. The tract isn't landscaped like a garden, but more like a plot of land belonging to a Tokyo of the past that was never razed and developed. The other was the sitting areas around campus that were always overshadowed by ancient looking trees positioned in their center.

Overexposed to illustrate the cool tree branches (〜^∇^)〜
As nighttime took over, I found myself at yet another Starbucks. I swear I'm not going to Starbucks so often because I'm now a coffee addict! They're simply the most consistent places to go to for a table to sit at and free wi-fi. I almost inevitably order a tea, so I don't think it's the frequent Starbucks stops that have been altering my sleep pattern.

Around 10 I took the metro back to the hostel.

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