Sunday, April 9, 2017

Day 88: Osaka Castle

Japan is cold. The high hasn't been above 18 Celsius the past few days.  I'd only packed two pairs of pants, but really didn't feel like wearing either my sweats or my perpetually dirty beige pants, so I walked to the shopping center by Tennoji Station to buy some black jeans.

Clothing in Japan is expensive. Possibly even more expensive than clothing in America. I only wanted to spend about 30 USD, but jeans were constantly priced ¥5000+ (45+ USD) -- even at the less ostentatious stores. I found a pair I liked for ¥3600, but they didn't fit, so I bought one size up. But when I was rung up at the register, I realized that the larger size was actually priced nearly ¥2000 more! At that point I was so close to ending my grueling search for a measly pair of jeans that grudgingly paid up and trudged back to the hostel. I wanted to buy socks, too, but those had even more ludicrous prices (¥1000 for a single pair).

These electronic dictionary / educational toy computers are popular here
After convenience store sushi for lunch I decided to go look for some cherry blossoms. I took the metro to a decently sized park I had picked from Google Maps.

I hadn't realized that Osaka Castle was located in the same area. It was too late in the day to see the inside of the castle, but I strolled around the park nonetheless, taking in the abundant sakura (cherry blossoms) and groups partaking in hanami (flower viewing).

Getting dark already (circa 18:00)

Vendors outside the walls of Osaka Castle

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