Friday, May 19, 2017

Day 124: Temple of Saint Sava Hram Svetog Save

I decided to see the southern part of Belgrade by foot, so I made my way to the waterfront and walked along the pedestrian path there. At one point the pedestrian walkway ends and only the bike path continues. I thought it would swiftly cut back into the city, but I was wrong. Instead, it snakes its way through a large construction zone. I didn't want to turn back and return the same way I had come, so I had to cut through a business park until I found a cafe I could sit with a drink and use the wifi to figure out how to get out of here, and where to go after that. I decided to go see the Church of Saint Sava, one of the largest Orthodox churches in the world.

I didn't go inside because I had heard that it was rather dilapidated and not worth seeing.

Thoroughly exhausted by this point, I walked the remaining few kilometers back to the hostel.

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