Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Day 12: Dusit Palace Grounds

Although I felt like I needed another day to relax, it was Antonio's last day in Bangkok so we went to see the Dusit Palace grounds -- a collection of palaces built after Rama V became disappointed with The Grand Palace after seeing the stately houses of Europe.

We didn't have much of an idea about what there was to do around Dusit, so all we actually ended up seeing was the Ananta Samakom Throne Hall, an ex-royal venue which now serves as a gallery of contemporary Thai art, but is really just a display room for the most recent King's (Rama IX's) birthday gifts.

Just outside the Ananta Samakom Throne Hall
After filling up on food afterwards, no taxi wanted to take us anywhere in the middle of rush hour, so we had to order an Uber. Uber's in Thailand are generally cheaper than taxis, and are arguably less convenient because taxis are so cheap anyways, especially if you split the cost, and you have to wait for your Uber to arrive at your location, whereas you can instantly wave down taxis from just about any street in Bangkok. On the plus (?) side, you might be able to get away with not having to butcher the pronunciation of your destination.

Antonio wanted to go to Khao San for drinks, so we Uber'd over there and found a place called "Moonshine Bar" with fair prices and an excellent atmosphere deep into Ratburri soi, on the other side of Chakrabongse Street.

We took a taxi back to Sharehouse from the other side of Khao San and I tried watching an action movie with Aaron, his wife, Antonio, and a recent newcomer Lily from China, but was so exhausted from the day's activities I turned in early for the night.

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