Sunday, August 12, 2018

Day 14: To Houston

After waking up at 6 AM, I immediately took an Uber to the airport. Upon arriving, I found out that our flight had been delayed by an hour, which didn't leave me with enough time to make my connecting flight from Houston to Roatan. They promised to provide me with accommodation for the night.

Upon arriving in Houston, customs and immigration went surprisingly smoothly so I decided to try my luck at making the connecting flight anyway. When I arrived at my gate 10 minutes before the stated departure time, a look of horror filled the airline representative's eyes while she told me the flight to Roatan had already left. I had a "JK" moment and she pointed me to the customer service desk to get my hotel and meal vouchers. A shuttle took me to the hotel after some confusion that "the driver won't stop for you unless you wave at him".

The Marriott experience was actually fantastic. I considered catching a two-hour roundtrip bus to downtown Houston and back, but after it began raining that settled the question for me. I spent all day in the hotel room with the exception of heading downstairs for a delicious chicken alfredo dinner.

It felt great to take what was effectively a vacation from my vacation, just one day was sufficient. I slept around 10 PM for the 10 AM flight I had the next day.

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