Saturday, August 11, 2018

Day 11: Bar Mex Wey

In the morning I went back to El Terrible Juan Cafe. Turns out that was more or less un terrible idea because the wifi was ungodly slow that morning. I left after an hour and went back to La Cafetaria. Around 3 PM I had completed my main tasks for the 3-day block of remote work I had planned and I went back to the hostel to drop off my things.

I then took an Uber all the way out to Centro Comercial Galerías.

After arriving and exiting the Uber among a torrential downpour, I bought myself a wall plug USB charger (I had forgotten mine at home and the first hostel I stayed at had had USB wall outlets). I also bought a few pounds worth of clothes, since this would be one of my last days to buy cheap clothing in Mexico.

Returning to the hostel, I found that they had opened up the hostel bar, Bar Mex Wey. The bar faces the front patio area of the hostel and is open to the public. I met some young locals that lived here in Guadalajara. While most people in Guadalajara speak at least some English, the younger generations are particularly comfortable conversing in English, which makes it very easy for someone like me (i.e., terrible Spanish speaking skills) to make friends with them.

I met a man my age who was originally from Colombia but had traveled the world before settling in Guadalajara recently. He was convinced robots would take over the world by 2030 and that everyone would spend their newly found free time traveling the world. I eventually settled in with a group of locals who were sitting around a table in the hostel's back patio area. They were very welcoming and I had a great time with them, staying up until 2 AM drinking and laughing.

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