Saturday, August 11, 2018

Day 12: What Happens in Mexico Stays in Mexico, Especially Teeth

After breakfast at El Terrible Juan Cafe, I decided to do some more shopping. This time at nearby Centro Magno.

I ended up buying some very nice formal pants for about 15 USD each and some jeans that were somewhat expensive, about 35 USD (which, now that I'm rereading this blog post a month later, were 110% worth the price. I've worn them nearly everyday since getting back to Seattle). The man running the store where I bought the jeans was really friendly and talkative. He had lived in the US for a while, working near Sacramento at a Jelly Belly factory before returning to Mexico with his wife to start a family. His amiability may have influenced my decision to go a little overboard on the frugal shopping trip I was trying to achieve, but the pants are quite nice and were definitely worth the (for Mexico, relatively) high price. Unfortunately, my bag now has about 5 lbs of clothes in it that are completely unsuited for my next destination, tropical Roatan, Honduras 😆

In the evening, I went on the weekly pub crawl hosted by the hostel. The area we are in, Chapultepec, is known mostly for its large selection of bars and clubs, so we were within easy walking distance of many places.

After having a few beers from Bar Mex Wey with hostel friends, the pub crawl warmed up with a few tequila shots and we set out for our first destination, Rock It.

I came to Mexico hoping to hear a lot of Latin rhythms, but it turns out that Mexicans really love American Rock & Roll.

While there, it started dumping rain outside. We waited about an hour, but the rain didn't abate and we were made to walk to the next club in a downpour, soaking our shoes, socks, and clothes in the process.

This place even had a live band consisting of some mariachi-esque instruments. (I recall there being a trumpet, tuba, and drums).

For some reason I thought it would be funny to take about half a dozen selfies with this guy from Mumbai
Next stop... well, actually I can't remember where we ended up next. I didn't take any photos so there isn't any metadata I can rely on. I do remember it was a small nightclub and I had way too much fun dancing my ass off.

Afterwards, we stopped by the hostel, which is when my night should have ended, but poor decisions were made and I went with a few others to a nightclub where legend has it your night will always end if you stay up too late partying in the Chapultepec area, Bar Americas.

I was swinging pretty loose by this time and at some point during the festivities I grabbed a beer bottle, went to take a drink, and chipped my front tooth. The tooth bit went off somewhere onto the club floor and I was in no state of mind to go looking for it.

This is actually the exact same tooth bit that I had chipped off as a child while ice skating. When that happened, perhaps 15 years ago, we were able to (incredibly) find the tooth bit on the ice rink and get it "glued" back in by a dentist. Then again, while in high school, about 7-8 years ago, I was playing the silent game in a pool with some friends and we were trying to make each other laugh by doing silly things. One of my friends spun around with his arms out and smacked the tooth bit out of my mouth. It landed on the white concrete of the pool floor. The ensuing search was only exacerbated by the refractions of the sun through the water. Amazingly, we found the tooth bit in that situation as well and had it glued back in. That tooth bit has been trying to get out of my skull for the past decade and a half and it finally succeeded in a place that I will never, ever find it again -- a nightclub in Guadalajara, Mexico.

At least now I can tell people that there will always be a part of me in Mexico. 

I soon left the nightclub and surrounded myself with plenty of water before passing out on my bed, around 4:30 AM.

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