Sunday, August 5, 2018

Day 8: To Guadalajara

My flight to GDL didn't leave until 3:55 PM, so I allowed myself to join the walking tour put on each day at 10:35 AM by our hostel, somewhat ironically on my very last day in Mexico City. We walked to Avenida 20 de Deciembre and up around the Catedral Metropolitana.

Somehow I never realized that the unearthed ruins of Temple Mayor, the main Aztec temple, are located just to the east of the giant cathedral, which I'd seen just about every day during my time here. This is why you do the walking tour!

We saw Palacio de Bellas Artes and the inside of the opposing post office before ending the tour at an upstairs bar located along Avenida 5 de Mayo, one of the main walking streets.

One last look at Palacio de Bellas Artes
Returning to the hostel I had plenty of time to gather my things and get on the metro back to MEX. My flight to GDL left two hours late. There's a nice feature on that if you search for your flight number it will tell you the average delay of that flight. This specific flight left, on average, over an hour late. Had I known that I probably would have tried to show up at the gate just 20-30 minutes in advance rather than more than an hour.

Arriving in Guadalajara, I took an Uber to my hostel, Hostel Hospedarte Chapultepec.

It's warmer and greener in Guadalajara than in Mexico City. I'm planning on working remotely for the next three days, taking advantage of events in the evening, then having Thursday and Friday completely open before flying to Roatan, Honduras on Saturday.

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