Sunday, September 16, 2018

Day 15: To Roatan

After waking up at 6:30 AM and completely out of food vouchers, I gave in and splurged a bit on the continental breakfast. $15 (280 peso!) french toast plus tip. Yikes!

I already had my boarding pass and security went extremely smoothly, so I was at my gate with an hour to go before departure.

After a quick 4-hour flight, our plane landed and we were blasted by the island's tropical humidity.

My mom captured this photo of Roatan from above.
Roatan is a resort island, the principle activity there being tourism and real estate / construction. In practice, this means everything has two prices — one for locals and one for rich American tourists. Having just landed on the island and being very unsavvy about my transportation options, I was forced to take a $25 private taxi from the airport to my hostel, Buena Onda, which I was fortunately able to split with another traveler whom I met by the ATM machines.

From my hostel, I walked five minutes to West End where I met my parents for lunch. Afterwards I stopped by my hostel to put on some swim trunks to swim in the bay. The day was Sunday, and the locals were out in droves enjoying the tropical waters along with us. After refreshing with a round of drinks at another beach side restaurant, my parents returned to their hotel and I walked back to Buena Honda.

There I would meet a group of girls, two Americans and a Brit. We went out that night to the most popular bar in West End, Sundowners.

One of the Argentinian volunteer girls at the hostel was performing a live set that night. I ordered a Sprite and a freshly grilled kebab before turning in relatively early around 9:30pm.

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