Sunday, February 26, 2017

Day 48: Gamelan Coffee

I got out of the hostel late and decided to go find an interesting looking coffee shop with the intention to do some work.

When I arrived at Gamelan Coffee, the place was empty except for three people drawing at a table. One of them was the cafe owner, another an art teacher at the nearby Green School, and one other student. The cafe owner made me a (delicious) cup of ginger coffee and I sat and talked with the teacher and the other student. The teacher decided to draw me so that I "won't forget our meeting". Does it look like me?

The Green School teacher had brought his ukulele with him and played some blues for us all. Later, another teacher from the school showed up with his guitar (it was Saturday, after all). It was a relaxing afternoon spent in the presence of new friends listening to impromptu music performances.

If you look closely you can see the "Seattle Supreme Coffee" poster in the background

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