Saturday, February 11, 2017

Day 35: National Library, Gardens By The Bay, and Blu Jaz Cafe

After picking up a bus pass and SIM card at the nearby 7-11, I took the MRT to Little India and roamed the streets -- slowly making my way towards the National Library building. Walking through Little India felt like I was back in KL. The flower garlands being sold on the streets for use in Hindu ceremonies were being pollinated by hundreds of bees. After passing through the very impressive LASALLE Arts College and bypassing the shopping malls that were appearing with ever increasing density, I walked into the 16-floor National Library.

The floor just below the ground floor lobby is dedicated to literature. The next few floors above the ground floor are dedicated to a drama and performing arts center. The next few floors above that are technical book collections that would rival most university libraries. And the top floors are a grab bag of conference rooms, rare book collections, administrative offices, and a (restricted) viewing deck. This was the highest I could go:

A view from one of the technical book floors
When I told the guy at 7-11 (who, by the way, spoke impeccable English) that I wanted to see the library today, he said I was crazy. I think it was worth it!

From the National Library I ambled through the shopping centers serviced by the Promenade MRT station, trying to make my way to Gardens By The Bay.

Walking through Singapore feels like you are walking through the future!

About to cross the Helix Bridge. Gardens By the Bay is behind Marina Bay Sands, the upscale shopping center and hotel to the left

Outside the ArtScience museum, on the other side of the bridge. Another shopping center to the right.

Gardens By The Bay is nice, and simply walking through the park is free. Perhaps I was tired from the walk, or underwhelmed after experiencing the natural wonders of Krabi, but I didn't take any photos while I was there.

Being Saturday night, I decided to cap the night off at Blu Jaz Cafe in the Arab Quarter of Singapore.

The performance that night was by a Cuban band playing a Latin/Funk mix. Although I only had two drinks, my bill was 21 USD -- exorbitant by SE Asia standards, though the show itself was free. If there had been a $20 charge to see the show and you could get two drinks for $1, I would have said that was a fantastic deal! It's all about perspective :-)

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