Thursday, July 6, 2017

Day 176: Fireworks on the East River

Today is the Fourth of July! And also my last day in New York City.

I still hadn't thought of anything that I really wanted to do or see, and it being a federal holiday I presumed there wasn't too much open. So off to the park with my book I went.

I hadn't been reading too long before the writing on my shirt caught the interest of a park passerby. Of all people, it was the same guy I had seen performing on the piano two days ago.

This guy
We started talking and our discussion went on for another 45 minutes before he decided to wander off. His name is George and he's a retired linguistics professor. I told him about my trip and he told me about his time abroad on a professor exchange program in China. An all-around pleasant exchange.

After stopping at a Starbucks for a cool, cozy place to sit with WiFi, I met up with Kate at an Indian restaurant for dinner. Afterwards we took the metro to a park on the East River to get a good view of Macy's 4th of July Fireworks that night.

The park was fully saturated with people, but we still managed to find a patch of grass to sit on until the show started, then found an alright spot to stand at while the fireworks went off.

Of course, photos can never do fireworks justice.

But you can expect the main, NYC Fourth of July fireworks show to be stellar.

After 30 minutes, it was over. I walked back to my hostel and Kate took the metro back to the Village area.

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