Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Day 0: To Mexico City

After more than a year since returning from my 6-month voyage around the world, I once again packed up my things and left the USA, this time for our southern neighbor Mexico. 

I had visited Mexico with my family back in 2016, but that was to the island of Cozumel, a resort island an hour drive south of Cancun. It's not an experience I would consider very "Mexican", so I was excited to finally see the largest city in the Americas, situated in the heart of Mexico. 

After waking up at 4 AM to take the light rail down to SEA for my 7 AM flight to LAX, our plane being delayed at the gate in LAX, and barely making my connecting flight to MEX, I arrived in Mexico City at 4 PM local time. MEX is massive, and I got lost a bit before finding my way to the metro station. Metro tickets are only 0.20 USD here, for unlimited transfers. Once I had actually situated myself to the metro layout, it only took one transfer and 30 minutes to get to Pino Suarez station, from which I walked to my hostel for the week, Casa Pepe.

I quickly made a friend from France and we went out to look for dinner, eventually ending up at one of Mexico's chain restaurants, Vips. After returning to the hostel to shower and change into fresh clothes, I joined a group of other travelers in the common area where we were sharing a bottle of agave spirits and soda. Around 10 PM I went out to Zona Rosa with my French friend and another German traveler with a very domineering personality. Zona Rosa is known for its trendy bars. We bar hopped to a few places before I eventually lost my friends among the crowds and I took a taxi back to the hostel by myself around 1 AM.

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